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    Internet Hobo @chesster415

    Age 35, Male


    Joined on 1/19/08

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    Spinal tap, Red Remover tutorials and collab. news.

    Posted by chesster415 - July 30th, 2009

    I've been working on the collab. but I'm not sure the scheduling will go acording to plan. I expected August 20 would work out O.K. but I might have to postpone the release of the collab. as I'm scheduled for a spinal tap on the 18th. I wasn't expecting to have to go up to Portland until around the 25th. I was off by a week so I should have called or something before setting a date, but I wanted to get the collab. started. I might still be able to work out the 20th, but I might not make a lot of sense if I make any comments. Please don't take them too seriously. On another note, the collab. thread hasn't see a lot of activity. There's still time to join up with the Bad Pickup Lines Collab., If you're already working on it, and you have something that's partway done and want some feedback on it, show it off. I'm thinking about making a forum sig image to promote the collab., but I don't really have much in the way of content to put in there, so far only Dmjersak has sent me anything. Some characters I could make screenshots of would be nice. Meanwhile I've been trying to get the smallest click count I can in Red Remover. I've managed 9 levels under par.

    EDIT 08/08/09: I've updated the video, I'm up to ten levels now. Still only Dmjersak has sent in his part and it's less than two weeks 'til the deadline so either everyone was just stringing me along trying to get my hopes up before killing them off like an ugly Tamagotchi, or they're waiting until the last minute to send in their parts in order make me assemble everything and get info for the bios, to increase my workload in a convoluted attempt to kill me by weakening my immune system with stress and fatigue and making me susceptible to ulcers. Either way it shows a massive conspiracy against me by most of the collab. members. It just goes to show you can't trust any of the conniving, internet lurking, flash artists. Nothing they say can be trusted any more than anything I've put in this post. Unless I'm wrong, and they're diligently working away at their parts for the collab. and all these paranoid delusions were brought on from over exposure to the florescent lighting in this mental institution. In that case I apologize profusely to everyone who didn't conspire against me, and thanks for helping out, and not secretly plotting my downfall.

    EDIT 08/15/09: Happy Clockday. Twelve levels under par now.

    /* */
    EDIT 11/19/09: Okay. Thirteen levels now. I would have gotten this up a while ago but my monitor is broken. I can move files around without looking at the screen now though.


    I'm busy, but if not I would join the Collab. Very sorry!

    Nice job with red remover!

    That's okay. You can still provide moral support. We need it desperately! I'm going to keep trying to improve my Red Remover score. I'm really into physics games, and I get a little obssesive sometimes.